Monday, March 17, 2008

Obama in the Tug-O-War over Black and White

Well, I guess I don't need to welcome Obama to this world since I assume he's lived here all of his life.

Yes, what we're seeing now - all over the press, from the Clinton camp, from the Black Clergy, from the voters - what we are seeing is the cause and effect of being too white, too black, too mixed, too strong, too weak, too smart, too rich, too poor, too emotional, too careful, too forgiving, too tolerant, too angry......GET THE POINT?

Obama, you may not win this particular battle. It has been fought by many before you. It is a misunderstood battle fought by misunderstood people. And, there are very few who really want you to completely win. What they want is for THEIR side of you to win...but not BOTH sides. After all, they cannot understand how both sides can win. Both sides have never won. They'll silently ask you to choose. And, if you resist such a choice, both sides will turn on you.

So, the weekend was full of the repeat play of the videos of Rev Wright, waving his hands, stomping and yelling as so many black ministers do. Whoa! White folks are afraid! Why is that man yelling and stomping and waving his hands? Anyone who has ever stepped foot into a black church knows that all of that is nothing to worry about. It IS very normal - this is as normal and us Catholics making the sign of the cross. Anyone who has been exposed to various cultures would know that. But, obviously, many Americans only know their own little worlds.....and the sign of a black minister waving his hands and yelling the N word is scary. Hmmmm...try being a black man and seeing a white man doing this to see what being scared is really like, folks. All he said what that Hillary was never called a N%$&#@. Why is that upsetting us? Has she been called one? Is Wright wrong about this? Or, is he just not allowed to use the word to explain some key differences in the life experiences of our candidates. Ok, so this is a difference, but we're not allowed to talk about it because it is too ugly. Ok. (moving on after a moment of silence for that stupidity)

Obama was trapped. He was asked to choose. So, in the face of such pressure, he chose to refute the waiving of the arms and the comments about America being wrong for Hiroshima (is this news or are we just not allowed to speak about it?).

Ok, Wright also said that America was wrong for some of the things we've done to our fellow-world citizens in other lands. Whoa! We're not allowed to say that, right? We have to act like all is well, in order to be patriotic. That's kind of ironic, isn't it? On one hand, we want change in our government...but, on the other hand, we cannot say that our gov't might be dammed by God for anything we've ever done before. Ok, so I guess we're only willing to admit small faults, but not anything worth being dammed murder. Ok, got it.... (rolling eyes)

Ok, so we know all of the other things Wright said and I am not going to recount it all. Frankly, I don't disagree with any of it (not any that I have heard so far), but I do think he was a little extreme with it and did fan the flames where we need more quenching waters across America. After all, we have been bad world citizens. Do you disagree? Everyone in my community (Philadelphia) is riding around with bumper stickers calling for the end of war, peace in the world, removal of Bush...yet, when one black clergy member stands up and stomps around about it, it's scary for us. We like bumper stickers and T-shirts, but not "live" black people making statements. Ok.

Alright, so now Obama is cornered. What should he do? Agree? Disagree? Plead the 5th? Think about it!!! This is deep for him. He wants to be President of the US...yet his patriotism is in question because of what his minister says. HELLO!!! He wants to be President!! Is that not a sign of patriotism??

Ok, so Obama refutes Wright's comments (what would YOU do?). Now the black clergy is mad at him. Ok, this man cannot win! We're back to my opening comments - not black enough....not strong enough....too black....too strong....(sigh)... I am exhausted already. Some of you will know what I am saying and feel this man's pain. He is trapped.

This is the absolute irony of a successful black man in America! This is it! We knew this was coming; We just couldn't frame our minds around how it would play out. We knew it would be a total clash of lightning. This is the "giant" version of what many of us deal with in our daily professional lives. It is so remarkable....and so painful.

We are trying to straddle the satisfy bring the World together in peace. But, our consciousness is larger than many and we reach the outer-fringes of extreme - the place where everyone shakes their heads "no" and refuses to agree. Yet, we try...and try...and try.

This is what Obama represents....the reach from the very core (which all elected officials have always represented) - ALL THE WAY OUT to the fringes (which have always been ignored). This is new - and America is not sure how to take this. So, we are now beginning to retreat to our respective corners and start shaking out heads "no".

Welcome to the world of those of us who straddle. It is the hardest job going. And, if Obama has stepped up to handle this job for an entire county of Americans, he deserves a hand.

The black clergy really needs to give him a break. The Clinton camp needs to stop trying to divide the country for their own gain. Americans need to realize that this IS a time of profound change that is beneficial to all people.

Go with it.....release your fears in change and difference....have courage......stand for more than Obama.....stand for all Americans who show courage in the face of a choice of wrong and right. Democracy is about choices. We need to get back to that. It worked for so many years and used to be admired by our brothers and sisters around the world. Let's reclaim our place as leaders and examples of what is strong and right.

Take my advice on this.....when nothing else works, try something extremely different and enjoy the power of starting over, building anew, feeling fresh. It is exhilarating - like walking into an air conditioned room on a 100 degree day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.